REDLINE RACER— Ultimate Challenge* Questions & Answers Shawnee SEQUEIRA — Criterion Project Manager Q : Who developed REDLINE RACER- Ultimate Challenge for the Dreamcast? Is it the same team that developed the Redline Racer PC version? The REDLINE RACER — Ultimate Challenge team is different from the core Redline Racer team. Tim Aidley is the only original RLR member on the Dreamcast team. We have all new shiny talent for Criterion’s first console game! Q : How many people worked on the game? The team consists of 1 Game designer, 1 Producer, 3 Game Programmers, 2 Engine programmers, 2 Artists. Q : When did development of REDLINE RACER —Ultimate Challenge begin ? The original Redline Racer on PC launched in Europe in March and in the US in July last year respectively. Since then, we’ve been devising plans for porting RLR over to Dreamcast. There was quite a bit of work involved. Obviously the PC and Dreamcast are substantially different when you get down to it and the game has to make the most of the platform. A simple port was out of the question for us. Q : When is the release date ? We hope to see REDLINE RACER — Ultimate Challenge launch as one of the first DC titles when the Dreamcast launches in Europe and the US this autumn. Q : Has the game been re-adapted to the console market ? Yes, definitely. We’ve had to add quite a number of elements that weren’t present in the PC version in order to make it more palatable for a console audience. Things like a tournament or split screen weren’t there in the PC version and we had to re-think our overall approach to the Dreamcast. Q : Will RED LINE RACER — Ultimate Challenge benefit from the high configuration of the Dreamcast? Constant frame rate, split screen, the features of analogue controller, and the VMS add to RLR in general. These issues are a big benefit and help RLR-Ultimate Challenge sit comfortably on the Dreamcast. Q : Will the game be more "arcade-oriented " than the Redline Racer PC version ? Yes! We’ve spent many man hours working on game progression, bike handling, AI, you name it. The one nice thing about already having a PC version is you finally get a chance to make all those things better that you didn’t have a chance to get to the first time around! Q : Are there new engine sounds and new audio tracks ? Yes, there are. We completely ripped out all the old audio and old sound effects for more up to date ones. We’re quite chuffed with the new music and the bike sounds. They are fantastic and really help add to the entire RLR-Ultimate Challenge experience. Q : The feeling of speed was very strong in the Redline Racer PC version. Will REDLINE RACER-Ultimate Challenge be also as fast? Yes, good framerate is something we definitely sought with REDLINE RACER-Ultimate Challenge. Obviously, framerate is going to be crucial in a racing game. With RLR-Ultimate Challenge, we get a steady 30 fps on split screen and hit 60 fps in tournament and single player quite easily. Q : How many cameras will be implemented ? The final version will have 4 camera views. Q : How many game modes will REDLINE RACER-Ultimate Challenge have ? REDLINE RACER-Ultimate Challenge consists of a tournament mode, a single player mode, and a split screen mode so you can race against another player. Q : Are there many characters to ride the bikes ? Yes, there are 8 fully animated characters! Q : Are there new tracks ? new environments ? We’ve included 4 new tracks and 1 new environments in this version. Q : Are there hidden vehicles and hidden tracks ? We’ve taken basically the best of the special bikes and included them in the game, but to say more than that is telling! Q : Will the AI be improved ? Absolutely. The AI has improved dramatically and we’ve spent quite a bit of time making it more challenging for the player. I think we’ve got the formula right on this one. Q : Is it possible to play with other people ? There’s a split screen mode that allows you to play against your mates which I strongly recommend. A bit of healthy competition is a good thing. Q : How will the save system work ? It will work as per the Dreamcast spec, really. You should be able to save and load your games via a VM. Q : What is the primary target of REDLINE RACER-Ultimate Challenge ? I would hope that the target for any of Criterion’s games is to be a good game that is fun to play. I believe this is what we set out to achieve with REDLINE RACER-Ultimate Challenge. We’ve taken the best aspects of Redline Racer PC and combined them with the best aspects of the Dreamcast to deliver a solid arcade-style racing game. *working title